Tag Archives: arrival

“To travel is to live.” -Hans Christian Andersen

I’ve always wanted to travel, for as long as I can remember. Growing up with a brother living in Asia only intensified that desire. Once graduation came near, I saw my opportunity. No debts, no career, no significant other- nothing was holding me back from experiencing other countries. After boatloads of research and finding the perfect family, it was settled. I would move to Germany for 12 months and aupair for the Hornigs in Frechen, Germany. I had never been more excited for an adventure in my life. So here I am on my second day in Deutschland, and I can already tell that this is going to be an amazing year. So far there has been a lot of assimilating and running around, but I couldn’t be happier. More details about my first couple of days in the next post. But for now- the important stuff, aka, picking up Pauline from school and not getting lost, and making my first trip to the supermarket and SURVIVING! I’ll explain that more later though. For now, it’s off to bed for me. Another fun, busy day lies ahead of me tomorrow. Tschüss! 

Part of my welcoming committee at the airport, 8 year-old boxer Amelie! We're best friends already.

Part of my welcoming committee at the airport, 8 year-old boxer Amelie! We’re best friends already.

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