Tag Archives: Kolsch

So much has happened this past week, I don’t know where to begin! First off, last Sunday I went with some friends to the Christopher Street Day Parade, or rather, the BIGGEST gay pride parade in all of Europe. It was insane. It was hot, hot, HOT out, but it was such a great time! We ended up in the Aldstadt (Old Town) area at a beer garden and hung out for hours drinking Kolsch and swapping stories. It was a *fabulous* day! Image

The kids are finally beginning to warm up to me.* Correction, Gustav has liked me since day 1, but Pauline is finally starting to warm up to me. The problem was that when their parents were around, the kids knew they didn’t have to listen to me, so they didn’t (understandably). But after a little bribery (ice cream is my best friend) and some alone time with the kids, they were my new pals in no time.

This week I had language class where we had some new students; a French man and a new man and woman from Spain, and I am picking up more and more German each time. I explored the Aldstadt area with my friend Gabriel- which is my favorite area thus far because it is right on the Rhine River. It is simply beautiful.



Yesterday Esther and I went to a barbecue for Gustav’s class for the end-of-the-year, and I ate the most delicious food ever. It was adorable and fun and it was a great end to the week. Back to the city tonight to check out a jazz club! Until next time-

PS- On my way home from the parade last Sunday, I accidentally stayed on a train that was going out of order. Thankfully the train conductor did a walk through the train and realized an idiot (ME) was still on it. After a little wait, we turned around, went back to the station and I got on a new train. Ah, that explains why I was the only person on the entire train!!…..


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